Public Poll 26th of May 2022

Following failed negotiations between Thornbury Community and Arts CIC and the Armstrong Hall Trust, a YES/NO poll was held on Thursday the 26th of May for Thornbury residents who were on the Electoral Register. They were asked the following question:

Would you like the Town Council to carry out a consultation with residents and Armstrong Hall users as was previously done when coming to a decision on the future of the Armstrong Hall?

The resulting vote was an overwhelming 94% in favour of asking Thornbury Town Council to hold a public consultation before deciding upon the future of Armstrong Hall. Although the poll is not binding on the Council, it sends a clear message to the them that the Thornbury community wish to be consulted about the future of the Armstrong Hall Complex.

The three polling stations were exceptionally busy throughout the whole voting period. In all, 2,567 people voted at the poll out of an electorate of 10,884 eligible voters making it a turnout of 23.58%. See the Official Result Parish Poll Armstrong Hall 26th May 2022